...Gower inspired fine art by Jason Shepherd...An Artist’s journey around the Gower Peninsula

Thursday 14 October 2010

Rhossili Bay and Gustav Klimt

My latest painting focuses on the sweep of Rhossili Bay in the Gower Peninsula. A large part of the image focuses on a large craggy cliff. Seeing this cliff when making my preliminary sketches made me think of the beautful shapes within Gustav Klimts famous painting 'The Kiss'. I decided to paint the cliff part of the painting using shapes reminiscent of the cloak in 'The Kiss'. I also used bold colours and textures within the painting to emphasise the strength and beauty of Rhossili Bay

1 comment:

  1. We visited here for first time laat summer 2012. Enjoyed seeing yr interpretation. Also very much enjoyed first two podcasts as I am trying to learn some Welsh.
